I met this singging beggar on my way to the office when I took bus number 11 from Slipi Jaya. This boy sang with an instrument which was familiarly called "ecek-ecek" in indonesian. It is an empty capped bottle or jar filled with sand. I was looking out through the window. Therefore I didn't pay attention to his song neither did others passengers. Minutes passed. All was quite. Then the beggar bumped on me. I wouldn't had noticed him if he didn't touched my arm. He raised his hand with his pityful face in front of my face. I said nothing but my head gave body language which said "No". I headed my face to the window again. He touched me again with his raising hand and with mercy expression. This time I said verbally "No". The next second he cursed me saying "curek". I guessed the word was local language for cursing someone. I paid no attention to him by looking at the window. Seconds passed. No sounds. The beggar boy touched my arm again and still with his ugly faking mercy and pity face expression. My temper was up. I yelled at him asking what he wanted. Why he kept irritating me. I cursed back at him. I loudly hurled my local dialect to curse him, "Ojo jancokan kon yo!". All passengers in the bus looked at our point. Few minutes ahead the bus stopped at the my stopping destination station. I jumped off of the bus and walked ahead to the office.