Yesterday, I watched a video from History Channel on Youtube. It unfolds evidences, the theory supporters explanation, and the skeptics contradiction of the palaeocontact theory.
Palaeocontact is a theory, that human has been in contact with aliens since ancient time. The alien came to earth to assist human to advance their technology. Ancient human recognized the aliens as gods.
The theory itself is debatable and the, so called proofs, are generated from archeological excavations. The skeptics label the supporters of the theory as delusional.
I personally believe that extra terrestrial DOES exist. It could be true that the ancient gods were, in fact, aliens. I am open to this possibility. In the middle ages, when Copernicus said that earth is not flat and the sun is the center of our solar system, all scholars said he was delusional and absurd. Look at it now. We believe that the earth is round and it revolves around the sun.
The video can be watched at this channel.